TBI Through the Eyes of Educators…

For todays #TBIthroughtheeyes, we asked a teacher & a principal to share their unique perspectives on concussion recovery.

Tools and resources that you have used to help the concussed individual?

It’s important to keep an open & honest line of communication. If I ask my students how they are feeling, I want them to tell me the truth. I try to be understanding, sympathetic and direct. I want them to know that if they’re feeling off, they shouldn’t be at school. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to other educators in terms of supporting a student recovering from a concussion?

A Doctor can look at a broken forearm, put a cast on it, and say you should be fine in X number of weeks. A brain injury has no such easy road map. 

Teachers need to be understanding and patient, listen to the suggestions of parents, students, doctors and admin on how to best support the student. They need to give the student time and perhaps reduce/modify the amount of work or the type of testing required. Ask the student what they think they can do and how long it will take them to finish. Their recovery is way more important.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a student recovering from a concussion?

Your recovery is the most important thing. Don’t rush it and take your time. Continue talking to health care providers to seek all available treatments. This may be counter to everything you do, but it will help you in the long run. Remember, you have a serious brain injury. You're not being punished. 

Has knowing someone with post-concussion syndrome changed your view on concussions? (Severity/impact...)

The important piece for me was that the process made me far more aware of the severity and potential long-term damage of concussions. As coaches and athletes, we sometimes downplay how severe an injury it is, or think of it like a severe headache. Working with over 100 students with concussions has taught me how to treat the injury with the seriousness and respect it deserves if we are truly trying to help someone not only recover from the initial injury, but through the healing process.

TBI is a big deal. It can affect everyone in the family and has various different symptoms that can impact an individual's life for a long time. Educating ourselves about concussion, TBI and post-concussion syndrome will make us more aware and understanding of the impact on an individual’s life.


Is a concussion a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or a mild brain injury?


TBI Through the Eyes of Caregivers…