#wisdomwednesday @Emilie_aboutconcussion

I never thought my life would turn upside down just because of a banal hit on the nose… It wasn't that violent, and I didn't pass out. I never thought of a concussion. If I had known what to expect. 

I continued to work, workout, take care of the children, grocery shopping, life as we know! After a few days, I knew something was wrong! I felt a hellish pressure in my head, I had difficulty speaking, reading, I was in a fog and my neck hurt badly. Any fast movement made me dizzy. 

But after 4 weeks resting, things were much better. Great, I went back to work. No way I was going to stay at home! And it went well… Until it didn't. Setback! The symptoms were coming back stronger than ever. 

I was referred to the rehabilitation center, to be followed properly. So, I started occupational therapy and physiotherapy. 

A rather special journey was about to begin. I was so frustrated of what was happening to me. I didn’t want to put my life on pause… I didn't feel like myself anymore, I found it extremely difficult not to be able to take care of my children. I was constantly tired, and I, who had never really been anxious, called my husband crying because I didn't know what to do for dinner! I couldn't do the things that mattered most to me anymore: being there for my family, training and doing my job. We identify so much to our work and our activities, and suddenly, overnight we can't do it anymore, it's hard to accept. I wondered who I was. 

But I decided to change my mindset and my lifestyle. I started daily meditation and breathing exercises to calm the anxiety, I gradually returned to exercise, started an anti-inflammatory diet and LEARNED TO SLOW IT DOWN, take care of myself and listen to my body. 

I will be honest, the journey has been difficult, there have been setbacks and there may be more to come. But now, 1 year after my concussion, I am gradually returning to work. Things are going much better, despite the challenge ahead being great. 

What I have learn of this journey: to embrace my vulnerability rather than struggle with it!!! And that my friend is not easy, but patience, acceptance and trusting the process will get you there! 
Today, I can say I trust this was meant to be. I like to think life sent me a message a year ago: slow it down baby… And it’s all for the best! As my recovery continues, I remain positive and accept my present situation. I enjoy the simple things and I give thanks for my health and my loving family. 


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Nutrition and Mental Health