KYHU 2 Years in Review

What a year 2021 has been!  

The past 2 years were enormous for our organization and team. They were filled with so much growth. We are so proud of all the accomplishments we have made thus far and wanted to take a moment to recognize some of our milestones. The Keep Your Head Up Foundation wants to thank you for making some of our favourite moments possible, building strong community partnerships, and for being a part of this incredible family. 

Let’s Recap!  

Two years ago, the Keep Your Head Up Foundation officially became an incorporated non-profit organization, and since that date we have shared over 85 #wisdomwednesdays – a piece of wisdom from someone who has been through brain injury recovery, with the goal of helping others to see the positives that can come out of adversity and the light at the end of the tunnel. We have been able to create and launch our KYHU community apparel and develop a Brain Injury Recovery Toolkit encompassing 6 tools that can be used by all who have been impacted by traumatic brain injury. We have been able to reach over 2,000 individuals with our community education materials and program offerings to date.  

At our very first annual fundraiser we were able to raise $1,800 – an amount we hope to double at our 2nd annual fundraiser in February! In September we were awarded lululemon’s Here to Be Grant which allowed us to develop and launch our Mindful Moments programs beginning January 2022. We received funding from the Ontario Brain Institute which will allow us to conduct three webinars to the community highlighting our Mindful Moments programs. Lastly, we were able to conclude the last 2 years by adding 16 incredible people to our team who all share the passion to continue to grow our community at a national and global level. 

Thank you for continuing to support Keep Your Head Up Foundation and for being such an integral part of this organization. This journey is only possible because of you and we are endlessly grateful. 



Why I Believe My TBI Was A Gift


#wisdomwednesday @Emilie_aboutconcussion